Conditions seen by Naturopathic Doctors
Dr. Gleixner ND and Dr. Weeks ND often tell their patients that they don’t treat symptoms. Without further explanation, it would seem that there wouldn’t be anything left to treat! On the contrary, through extensive detective work, many problems in the body can be revealed. Correcting underlying imbalances is our specialty.
Because many symptoms are often uncomfortable, we maintain the importance to provide relief from your symptoms. Lack of sleep, pain, anxiety attacks, skin rashes, gas and loose stools for example are not very pleasant. Palliating such symptoms can increase comfort in a patient’s life while the underlying causes are addressed.
The goal is to determine and address the reasons why your body has developed symptoms. Within this philosophy, symptoms are used as a guide to discover the underlying imbalances in your health. In weight gain for example, numerous imbalances exists that prevent fat loss even when a superb diet and exercise program are in place. Underlying causes includes stress, inflammation, low thyroid function, sex hormone imbalances, blood sugar dysregulation, poor liver function, a sluggish digestive tract and neurotransmitter imbalances. There can even be other reasons!
By understanding how your body is working (or not working), treatments can more specifically address the true cause of your medical condition. Naturopathic treatment will be more individually prescribed to re-balance bodily systems and therefore provide better long-term success. By treating in this manner, virtually all chronic and most acute conditions can benefit.
Although an incomplete list, here are common issues that are seen at the clinic. So that you can find your condition(s) below, they are listed in alphabetic order within each category:
‘All of Us’ Issues "I feel 20 years younger..." Ethel Mumford
Fatigue (see adrenal/thyroid articles), detox, dental issues (e.g. post-surgery care), exercise (lack of), general well-being, insomnia, optimal weight, stress, vision decline
Allergies & Immune Problems "I'm now able to conduct my daily routine without constant interruptions form extended, often stressful, coughing episodes..." Trudy Brydges
Bronchitis & coughs, cold & flu’s, environmental allergies, food allergies, hayfever, infections of all sorts, Lyme disease and Multiple Systemic Infectious Disease Syndrome, mono, hepatitis, nose/ear/throat/sinus infections, seasonal allergies
Autoimmune Conditions
Celiac disease, Hashimoto’s hypothyroidism, lupus, MS, rheumatoid arthritis (RA)
Body Composition & Sports
Athlete support, weight management, metabolic syndrome
Cancer* (support general health to complement conventional oncology care)
Cancer care, prevention of cancer re-occurrence or secondary cancer.
*only for general health suggestions such as dietary support and gentle lifestyle suggestions (e.g. stress management, exercise suggestions, sleep support, etc).
Digestive & Liver Problems
Celiac disease, constipation, Crohn’s disease, diarrhea, dysbiosis, eating disorders, food sensitivities, food poisoning, gallbladder problems, gas & bloating, gastritis & ulcers, heartburn & GERD, hemorrhoids, hepatitis, IBS, liver congestion, small intestine bacterial overgrowth (SIBO), ulcerative colitis
Female Health Concerns
Anemia, bladder infections (UTIs), cervical dysplasia, endometriosis, fibroids, infertility, interstitial cystitis, osteoporosis, menopausal/perimenopausal health concerns, menstrual issues (heavy flow, irregular or painful menses), PMS, PCOS, pregnancy-related complaints, vaginitis & yeast infections
Heart & Blood Vessels Disease
Angina, arrhythmias, atherosclerosis, circulation issues, congestive heart failure & other heart problems, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, varicose veins.
Hormonal Problems "I lost 25+ lbs…" Ulysse Daigle
Adrenal imbalances, Diabetes, Grave’s disease (& other hyperthyroidism states), Hashimoto's, hypoglycemia, hypothyroidism
Men’s Health Concerns
Erectile dysfunction, infertility, prostate enlargement, prostatitis
Mental/Emotional, Neuro Disorders
ADHD, anxiety, depression, OCD, panic attacks, Parkinson's disease, seizures & tics
Pediatric Ailments
ADHD, allergies, asthma, autism, behaviour & learning issues, colds and flu's, ear infections
Physical Pain "Finally a doctor who understands what it is like to have fibromyalgia…" Darlene Donkin
Arthritis, back pain, carpal tunnel syndrome, chronic pain no longer associated with inflammation/trauma, disc herniation, fibromyalgia, gout, headaches, injuries, joint pain, Lyme disease and Multiple Systemic Infectious Disease Syndrome, migraines, restless leg syndrome, sciatica, sprains & strains, "nerve" pain, tendinitis, trauma
Skin Issues "My allergies are starting to get under control making my skin and hair look much better..." Jane Lewis
Acne, dermatitis, eczema, fungal & bacterial infections, psoriasis, rashes
If your condition is not included in this list, please inquire via phone (506-382-1329) or email (